Laser Therapy for Cats
If there were a safe and pain-free way to treat your cat, wouldn’t you want to know about it? Of course, you would!
Laser Therapy: Benefits of Treatment
Would your dog benefit from laser therapy? Quite possibly. In fact, many pet lovers aren’t aware of this safe, non-invasive procedure even though it’s been used on humans for over 40 years.
Caring for your Senior Cat: What You Should Know
If you have a senior cat, you may wonder what sort of special care they could need. Do they have different dietary requirements? What about their overall health and mobility?
How to Transition an Outdoors Cat to an Indoors Cat.
One popular myth about cats is they’re happiest having the freedom to go outside. This is far from the truth.
Create a Disaster Plan for Your Family and Your Pets.
To us, animals are important members of every household. As you prepare your family for the unexpected, don’t forget to include them—simple steps like creating a plan, assembling an emergency kit and staying informed can greatly help your furry friends if disaster strikes.
The 411 on Pet Vaccinations
Effective vaccines can give you peace of mind when it comes to the good health of your pets.
The Great Outdoors and Your Pet’s Health!
If your pet spends time in the great outdoors, you may not give much thought to who he shares that space with—but you should.
The 411 on Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV):
If you’ve ever owned (or been owned by!) a cat, chances are you’ve heard the acronym “FIV.” You know this is something your veterinary team talks with you about during yo